“The Way We Gather” is a Woven blog series for sharing our experiences, stories, thoughts, and feelings about gathering. We hope to bring inspiration and permission to the way we gather in our own lives around the world.
How do I gather with friends when life is so busy?
Taking time to engage in meaningful conversation with friends should be natural and easy – and almost happen by accident. We love our friends, and we love spending time with them. So, why doesn’t it seem to happen more often? We need to make it happen!
Prioritize it! Amid all the things I am responsible for, unhurried time with friends is easy to put at the bottom of my list. However, when I consider what my purpose is here on this earth – taking time to invest in people really should be at the top of my list! Other things can wait, or even be left un-done. But the souls of my friends (and mine) need frequent “maintenance.”
Schedule it! When I am out with a friend, if possible, I try to schedule our next social engagement before this one ends. Far too may “let’s get togethers” are just good ideas floating around. Putting it on the calendar will make it happen.
Look for it! Many of my most in-depth conversations take place when I or my friends are picking up our kids from a playdate. We invite each other to stay for a minute, which often turns into quite a few minutes of fellowship. (My kids love this as well because it extends their playdate!)
I also look for opportunities throughout the day when I have a few minutes between scheduled responsibilities to call or text a friend. Just letting my friends know that I am thinking of them opens doors for meaningful conversation later.
Maximize it! Be vulnerable! My friends will talk about what I talk about. If I share my failures, fears, and weaknesses they do too. I am cautious to avoid gossip, complaining or dishonoring others – but as I boast in my weakness, and identify with my friend’s short-comings, we can walk together towards Christ’s solutions, comfort, and encouragement.